It is with great PRIDE that we offer this free, accessible chart by designer Ramsay Gourd.
As a member of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community himself, he asks that you please make a donation to The Trevor Project for the valuable work they do to provide support for community youth. According to Ramsay, "The Trevor Project does amazing work. They save lives, build self-esteem and affirm the beauty of the souls of countless young people struggling to make sense of their sexual identity in an often hostile environment. "
Jazz up a beloved denim jacket, stitch a colorful frame-able or make a statement with a love-filled pillow with Ramsay's "PROUD" design!
In the e-book, you will find helpful tips for charting the design as well as a list of thread pairings by Ramsay himself. Please note that the colors in the chart do not reflect the gorgeous colors he selected, yet simply aid in visibility between colors.